10.2 Vanilla Coke Commercial

1. Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service

In the Coke commercial there are three trucks driving aggressively in a downtown setting that looks like they are racing each other by flying in the air. The three trucks that were driving was a ice cream, orange produce, and a coca cola truck. At the end you could assume that they collided and combined to make a drink called orange vanilla coke. In the commercial the mystery and assumption increased their valuer for since we are not told if the product was good or bad it leaves us to wonder. The only way to stop the wondering is if we go out and but the product our self. When looking at the commercial the price was not used to help promote the product for their wasn’t any evidence to a competitor or the price of the product. The promotion in the commercial was creative for they had three products that society likes, oranges, ice cream truck, and a coca cola truck that they used to make us in mystery when the products were combined. The Place in the commercial helped sell the product because the locations weather had it sunny and warm and you could tell that the product was a drink that could satisfy our needs on a hot warm day in replacement of a boring water for their product was exciting.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)?  How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market that is being targeted in the commercial is not focused on one group but instead more broad and is generally towards anyone that experiences warm weather anytime throughout the year. The ice cream truck hints that their product is not only sweet like ice cream but their product is like ice cream in the sense that it can satisfy our needs and is a treat when the weather is warm outside. The sunny atmosphere also tells us that the product is nice to enjoy on a summer or hot spring day. When looking at the commercial the company did a good job targeting their market for it caused them to be in wonder on what the product is going to taste like.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

The advertising of the product in the commercial works because since we have no idea if the product tastes good and we have never seen a product in the way that this product is before it has us anxiously wanting to know what its like to have it. Since we have no idea and we know that cokes prior products were good and known, we are willing to pay money just to try the product since we know that their previous products are good and are popular within society. Overall it works because the commercial gets us to wonder in mystery about the product.

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