8.2 MLB logo

1. Describe in detail the image, and why you believe the company selected the brand elements (color, size, layout, character, etc.) that they did. Your analysis should include a brief description of the competitors and how your selected brand logo compares.  In other words, why did they choose the brand elements that they did

The Major League Baseballs logo is a white shadow shape of a person with a baseball bat who is about to his a baseball. The reason why they have a person with a bat, helmet and a ball in the picture is because it is the equipment needed in order to play the sport. The reason why the colors are red, white, and blue is because it is america’s pastime sport. The sport is founded in america so the colors are meant to represent and is dedicated america’s flag and nations colors. When it comes to different competitors it includes the NBA and NFL for they are also part of the major sports in America and also have the same colors of red, white, and blue. The only thing that distinct them from other competitors is the white shapes for it is the equipment and actions that are used to play the sport.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)?  How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is towards people who loves being active, especially by being active by doing sports along with people who live in the United States. Your can tell that it is target towards this geographical group because the colors represent the nations colors where the origin of the sport came from. You can tell that people who like being active are targeted because the picture is a freeze frame of a motion picture that is being taken place. The MLB did a good job at making their decisions of choosing their target market because when it comes to sports people are dedicated and patriotic so by choosing the colors the MLB company are with them and stand with them as a patriotic company/business.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

When looking at the logo it works perfectly for the MLB organization because just by looking at the logo you already know that it has to deal with baseball. The bat and ball give it away for baseball is a very well known and distinctive sport that it just stands out.The colors attract american’s because those three colors mean a lot to us for it defines us, so by the MLB using those colors it shows that they have the same interests as we do and we can relate with them. Overall the MLB logo does wok for it goes beyond baseball and is meaningful to their target market.

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