8.1 Dove For Men

1. Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service

During this commercial Dove is known for women products but Dove recently have come out with a new line aimed towards men and not just women. The product in the commercial was never presented to us in physical form. The company expected us to already know the universal product. The universal mindset of Dove is for women who uses their product to take care of their skin, but the commercial had dad’s being there for their kids during their childhood in their good moments and in moments of needs. The place of the commercial was in a family friendly house in the suburbs. The place is showing that the man in the commercial is a stay at home dad for the gender roles have changed in society. Since the roles have changed they then had to change their target market from only women to both men and women. When looking at the price of the Dove products you can tell its for middle to upper class because the place of the commercial was target towards a family that had a clean/up to date home,with the house being big and fancy. The price was never mentioned but basically the people in the advertisement were not poor but better off. When looking at the promotion of the commercial you can tell that the product was made for dads for there was only one word that was said but it was repetitive during the commercial, and it was the word “dad”. The commercial promoted towards for they were the only parent shown in the household who took care of their children in their hardships or the the learning in the childhood.

2.Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)?  How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

When looking at the target market of the commercial you can tell right away that they are focusing the male audience but more specifically the dad audience. The commercial only said one word and it was dad. The scenes always had a dad figure and one of his children. They showed many different color and age dads but they all had the same title. at the end of the commercial it had the title under Dove “Real Dad Moments”. Overall the brand did a good job displaying their target market in the commercial for it got their point across and you knew it wasn’t and ordinary commercial.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

After looking at the commercial I thought that the advertisement worked because its very popular and well known that when they crossed brand us men had to have had it. Since the product worked well for women then it must do its job just as well for men. Men will buy this product because they already have that brand name and known name that they could do whatever and people would buy it. Overall the commercial did a good job telling us that they finally cross branded their product that is effective and efficient.

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