7.2 Microsoft Logo

  1. Describe in detail the image, and why you believe the company selected the brand elements (color, size, layout, character, etc.) that they did. Your analysis should include a brief description of the competitors and how your selected brand logo compares.  In other words, why did they choose the brand elements that they did. 

The Microsoft logo is a square divided into four evenly squares, that include blue, green, yellow, and red. I believe that the company chose their shape as a square because it resembles their computers for a computer is square. The reason i believe that the square is divided into four different sections is to show that their company can provide more than one service. When it comes to the colors the reason why they choose blue is to show that their company is cool and slick, easy to use that is easy on the eye that makes it easy to use. The red could mean business and how Microsoft product will get things done. The yellow shows bold and strong which means that their product is long lasting. The color green reminds me of their green xbox which is fun, so the color shows that their product is fun. When it comes to Microsoft’s competitors the list includes Apple and when looking at their logo its boring and doesn’t show creativeness like Microsoft. Overall the reason why Microsoft choose their logo was to brag about their product for their company is creative and reliable.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)?  How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

When it comes to Microsoft’s target market I think that it is targeted toward creative people who are trying to have fun. You can tell that Microsoft is targeting creative people because of all of the different colors. The different colors are unique and are outside of the rules and that means that their product is not like most products. The colors show creativeness because its not plain and bland colors for it is exciting. Overall Microsoft did a good job targeting creativeness people for their products are used every day by people and companies to make a difference on how things are done.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

When it comes to Microsoft’s logo it works because as a society everyone is looking to be creative, unique and multitask. When it comes to the product it can do many things that is new to society. The company provides many needs to their customers and people like being satisfied by a product doing more than one thing. Overall the logo for Microsoft does work because they are the top computer software and software is still new for its a creative tool.

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