3.1 Lincoln Car Commercial

1. Describe in detail how the business implemented the four P’s to add value and/or promote the product or service

I was watching TV in my living room and when it came to a commercial this is when the advertisement came on. Its Matthew McConaughey driving a Lincoln SUV downtown in the middle of the night all alone. The commercial used product, the car was a dark car and the color black shows luxury. The car had leather seats and was very clean as if no one has ever been in there before, it looked top of the line. The product was unique because the vibe was very peaceful for there was calm music and the lighting was in a dart setting which means that Lincoln wants to sell their product to be the most relaxing drive when you drive their car. They are telling us that even though driving can be stressful it wont be stressful if they drive their relaxing vehicle. In the commercial there never was a price of the vehicle but by the layout of the commercial you can tel its not cheap for their vehicle is top of the line above the rest. In the commercial you can tell because everything in the car was premium for the most luxurious ride, there was leather seats, a sunroof , top of the line stereo system, built in GPS and Matthew McConaughey was dressed very nice and clean as if he mattered. The commercial decided to promote their product by driving it around downtown instead of getting a shot of it parked. The driving in the commercial lets us viewers get a first look on how the product is being used. The driving also gets us viewers wanting to experience what the driver is experiencing which is driving the Lincoln. The place was on a street or highway in a populated downtown like Minneapolis which lets us readers no that its a nice and valuable product. The vehicle is like a downtown setting because when people think of downtown we think of new, bright lights, bright future, high class, and just a better part of living and that is why celebrities and people who matter live in downtown settings.

2. Describe the target market (ie. what segments are being targeted)?  How do you know this is the target market? Did the company make good decisions to reach the target market?

The target market is toward higher class white males and targeted towards a family car. The company did a good Job in the beginning making sure that we saw the actor’s wedding ring on his left hand. The ring symbolizes either the car was so sexy that it got him a wife or that the car is big enough that he can drive in style and still fit his family in the vehicle. You can tell that the market is towards white higher class males because the actor was a white male. The actor was all cleaned up and dressed nice and was rich enough to either work downtown at a large company or he has enough money to live down there.

3. Does it work? Why or why not? Any general observations?

The advertisement does work because it allowed me as an audience member to get jealous and want to be in his shoes. With him driving in the night with no distractions or sound other than calm music I envied him because I want to have a clam and peaceful life like his instead of a stressed one like mine. After watching the commercial my first thought is when can i car and think of the realistic’s which is how much is it because i want the product so high that that’s not on my mind.

Lincoln Commercial,

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